Google launches Handwriting

Michael Apple iPhone, Google, HTC, iPad, Mobile, Samsung, TechTalk

Google have made their handwriting service available to UK users, if you open up Google on your iPad/ Android Tablet of smart phone chances are you will now also see the “Try Handwriting” feature that our friends over the pond have had since July… You can view more on the official Google Handwrite page – To get started you …

HTC Desire HD

Michael HTC, Mobile, TechTalk

After using the HTC Desire for several months I was very eager to get my hands on its “Father” The HTC Desire “HD”. Only after taking it out the box and holding it did I realise how much bigger this phone is compared to the Desire. [singlepic id=6 w=160 h=120 mode=web20 float=right]The phone felt solid yet not too heavy, the …